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Updated: Jun 8, 2023






Dear Tribal Knowledge Academy Family,

This is our first website together (and my first website EVER)!! Johnathan wrote the content for the site, and I put it together!! It was a lot of fun to conceptualize everything and collaborate on this project as a team!! We will be adding many diverse sections to the website and updating it with all kinds of information, including information that can't be shared on Facebook due to censorship!!

Now that we have an official platform, we plan on using it to drive forth our work and projects on behalf of humanity. We have big things coming on the horizon, I promise you this!! Johnathan is getting ready to set huge things into motion, and I personally cannot wait to see what happens!!

Our next collaborative venture, will see us doing podcasts together!! Those will be coming very soon and will be available for everyone to listen to for free!!

This year, Johnathan will be releasing a line of esoteric children's books, and both of us are going to be making custom genetics books using Johnathan's work and research!! Those books are going to be our fun, passion projects for the upcoming year! More details on that to come.

We are also going to launch an app by the end of the year, which will be a massive undertaking. It will be available in the Apple store, hopefully before Christmas. The app is going to focus on blood and genetics, particularly hive cluster communities. I don't want to give too much away, just yet though. I will announce everything, in due time.

To all of our friends, thank you for coming along on this journey with us. Johnathan and I appreciate all of your support and kind words. You give us something to fight for, and provide the strength needed for us to keep going. Although all of us come from different backgrounds and are an amalgamation of various energies, we are bound by the same purpose and our paths are thus aligned. This in essence, defines the true meaning of what it means to be a tribe.

We look forward to expanding our work and continuing our teaching efforts.

We hope you enjoy the site! We plan on turning it into an all-encompassing information portal that will enable people to from all walks of life and backgrounds to obtain the knowledge that they seek.

With Immense Love and Gratitude,

Johnathan & Dawn

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