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Terms and Conditions For Tribal Knowledge Academy | Johnathan Mercedes Courses

  • NOTICE: Tribal Knowledge Academy ( owns the rights to ALL OF THE CONTENT displayed in the course. ©️ All rights reserved. No exceptions. The same goes for any other content on and anything else that is produced by Johnathan Mercedes, Dawn Treaders, Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC and any and all of their affiliates.

  • NOTICE: the participant shall not reproduce, replicate or copy any of the content without the business’ express permission. Unless you have obtained direct permission from Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC, none of the material on may ever be used for any reason whatsoever. You may NOT re-teach course content, blog about it, re-word it or re-write it, or mention it in any public space or platform.

  • NOTICE: online courses shall be used for participants personal use only in the privacy of their own home, and NOT for any commercial purposes.

The information contained in Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC | Johnathan Mercedes | Dawn Treader courses and on the website has been derived from sources believed to be reliable and is correct to the best of the publisher’s knowledge and capacity.

Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC | accepts no liability (including liability for negligence) for any loss or damage (including consequential or indirect loss or damage) that may arise in any way from access to, use of, or inability to use this resource or any material contained in it.

As a student / client, you are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.

The entire risk arising out of the use of the materials presented in the Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC | Johnathan Mercedes | Dawn Treader courses and on the website, remains with you. All course content is distributed as an information source only.

Any information provided is for the purpose of general guidance.

Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC makes no guarantees that you will obtain a particular outcome.

Finally, these courses are NOT designed for people who want to create and sell courses.

The course material is legally protected and and can not be reproduced without express written permission. ©️ All rights reserved.

Any direct or indirect plagiarism of any Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC | | Johnathan Mercedes | Dawn Treader material will result in swift legal action. | Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC | Johnathan Mercedes | Dawn Treader | and any and all of our affiliates / employees DO NOT give any kind of health, medical, or any other type of advice. The information provided is for the purpose of general guidance / entertainment / education. You should not rely on any statements found here for medical / health / moral / religious / spiritual / mental health / historical / ancestral / astrology based / relationship / lifestyle / and any and all types of other advice, including anything else that involves / influences your personal decision making, and should always confirm such information. You are responsible for taking whatever steps are necessary to check all information and personally assuring that the advice provided here is based on accurate and complete information and research from any available sources.

We DO NOT guarantee or indicate any certification or expertise therein regarding any services, classes, sessions, consultations, sales rendered. We make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the information, services, or related graphics contained on the Tribal Knowledge Academy website / app. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

Trigger Warning

Each course covers a range of assorted topics in relation to the main topic at hand. Due to this fact, there may be topics covered that can result in setting off triggers, PTSD, mental health issues, etc. If you are sensitive to triggers, we do not recommend you purchasing ANY Tribal Knowledge Academy courses. Any and all courses are to be purchased strictly at your own risk. Tribal Knowledge Academy | Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC | Johnathan Mercedes | Dawn Treader do not take any responsibility for anything that triggers or adversely impacts you in any way. You may not purchase any of our products, services, or sessions unless you agree to FULLY ABSOLVE Tribal Knowledge Academy | Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC | Johnathan Mercedes | Dawn Treader and any and all of their affiliates from any and all responsibilities involving your health and well-being.

Course content may at times, cover sensitive topics including but not limited to suicide, abuse, violence, severe mental illnesses, sex, drugs, alcohol addiction, war, religion, politics, vaccine / medical / health information, death, blood / genetics / tribal affiliation, psychedelics and the use of plant medicines. Strong language may also be used in course content. Please be advised if this is something you are sensitive to. You are advised to refrain from watching, listening, reading, viewing Tribal Knowledge Academy ( course material and any and all educational content, book content, digital, audio, video, as well as print media if you are likely to be offended or adversely impacted by any of these topics.

Copyright Notice

It is unlawful to make any reproduction, copy, broadcast, or distribution of the material offered throughout this course without the written consent of our licensed providers, and his or her affiliates. All course content offered through Tribal Knowledge Academy is registered with the USA copyright office. All courses and related contect are legally copywritten to Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC. ©️ All rights reserved.

You may use each course that you purchase for your OWN personal viewing / listening purposes ONLY, within the privacy of your home. If you intend to use the course for any other purpose, including commercial intent or for the purpose of generating revenue directly through the course, you may NOT do so. You may NOT teach / reteach the course under ANY circumstances. None of the courses fall under creative commons and may NOT be used for educational purposes. You cannot do anything with the courses, including re-write them or re-interpret them, outside of viewing and listening to them in the privacy of your home. All courses are intellectual property / products belonging to Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC. ©️ All rights reserved. No exceptions.

Purchasing the e-courses / LIVE courses at through Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use our copyrighted materials and/or documentation solely for your own personal and non-commercial use. Our e-courses /LIVE courses are protected under Canadian, United States, and foreign copyrights. The copying, redistribution, use, or publication by you of any of the content within our e-courses / LIVE courses is strictly prohibited. Your purchase of our e-courses / LIVE courses does not grant you any ownership rights to our e-courses / courses. Any breach in the terms of this agreement may result in termination of your access to the e-courses / LIVE course materials, and will result in swift legal action against you by Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC.

In short, you may not use the course or any course-related content, or any of Johnathan Mercedes | Dawn Treader | Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC work for ANY reason whatsoever, outside of viewing / listening to it in the privacy of your own home.

You may not use to the course to generate any kind of income or profit, you may not distribute or sell any course material in any shape, way or form, for any reason at all, doing so, will immediately result in copyright violation / infringement, and that is something we will aggressively pursue and take swift legal action against you for. You may not re-write, re-interpret, and re-work any of the course material into your own work / writings. You may not quote or reference ANY course content or ANY of Johnathan Mercedes work for ANY reason. You may not teach any course material as it is legally protected, copywritten intellectual property belonging to Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC and it does NOT fall under creative commons, nor does it fall under the educational clause. You may NOT teach ANY Tribal Knowledge Academy course content, use any course content in reference, quote any course content, mention any course content in a classroom, or distribute it for any purpose, including teaching. All course material is legally protected, copywritten intellectual property, belonging to Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC | Johnathan Mercedes | Dawn Treader and does NOT fall under creative commons, nor does it fall under the educational clause. ©️ All rights reserved. All uses of course content / Johnathan Mercedes work (outside of what we allow ..which is personal use [listening/ viewing only] within the privacy of your own home) will result in immediate copyright infringement, which you will be held legally liable for. All course content as well as all other content falls under ©️ all rights reserved.

It is unlawful to make any reproduction, copy, broadcast, or distribution of the material offered throughout any of the | Johnathan Mercedes courses | or any other courses issued forth by Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC without the written consent of our licensed providers, and his or her affiliates. All course content offered through Tribal Knowledge Academy is registered with the USA copyright office.

All course content is intended for personal use only, within the privacy of your own home.

All course content is based around the original work of Johnathan Mercedes, which has ALSO been copywritten and registered with the USA copyright office. All of his work, including his courses, are fully protected. You may NEVER take any of the original thoughts, concepts, and any other work established by Johnathan Mercedes / Dawn Treader / Tribal Knowledge Academy / Bloodlines Tribes Starfamily LLC and re-write it or re-work it in ANY way. All of the original ideas pertaining to Johnathan Mercedes blood, genetics, and energy work are legally protected. We will aggressively pursue a lawsuit (to the highest extent possible) against anyone who infringes and or violates ANY of our copyrights. The penalty per copyright violation STARTS at $100,000 in NY where our copyrights are registered to. Copyright violations can go up to $1,000,000+ per violation. We WILL take full legal action FOR EVERY VIOLATION THAT OCCURS against those who are willfully violating our course copyrights by redistributing them (whether it is for profit or not). You cannot buy a course, unless you agree to the strict copyright violation / redistribution clause that you need to give consent to before making your purchase. By accessing this website, you agreed to our terms upon accepting our 'Terms of Use.' You would not be able to use / access the website without accepting these terms. Once you accept the terms, you are legally bound by them.

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