Alfheim, also known as Álfheimr, is one of the Nine Realms of the World Tree, home of the Light and Dark Elves. Alfheim (Old Norse: Álfheimr, "Elf home" or "land between the rivers") is an ancient name for an area corresponding to the modern Swedish province of Bohuslän. The bright realm of Alfheim is adorned with abundant and colorful flora, alongside luminous fauna which glitter the lands and skies of the Elf realm. The Elves' artistic architecture includes their unique light crystals, Sapphire colored stones fueled by the Light of Alfheim that are plugged to structures in order to create bridges mades of solid light. The Light of Alfheim is also where the Bifröst gets its power source to traverse the realms through Týr's Temple. While the Light is in the home of all Elves, the Light and Dark subraces have been at war for its possession for centuries, with the Light of Alfheim having changed masters back and forth over two hundred and thirteen times. When the Light Elves have control of the Light of Alfheim, the Light shines free and the skies of their realm are adorned blue. When the Dark Elves have it, the Light is concealed by a large plant of some sort and their skies are tainted red. However, the Vanir Freyr seemed to have been the one to give absolute control of the Light to the Light Elves for the longest they ever have, since the luminous beings named him their overlord and gave the God residence in their realm. It was most likely the Vanir's recent disappearance that gave the Dark Elves the advantage they needed to reclaim the Light for themselves.
The Ynglinga saga, when relating the events of the reign of King Gudröd (Guðröðr) in which the Hunter relates: Álfheim, at that time, was the name of the land between the Raumelfr ['Raum river', lower parts of the modern Glomma river] and the Gautelfr ['Gaut river', the modern Göta älv]. The words "at that time" indicates the name for the region was archaic or obsolete by the 13th century. The element elfr is a common word for 'river' and appears in other river names. It is cognate with Middle Low German elve 'river' and the name of the river Elbe. The Raum Elf marked the border of the region of Raumaríki and the Gaut Elf marked the border of Gautland (modern Götaland). It corresponds closely to the former Norwegian province of Bohuslän, now in Sweden. The name Álfheim here may have nothing to do with Álfar 'Elves', but may derive from a word meaning 'gravel layer'. However, the Saga of Thorstein, Viking's Son claims that the two rivers and the country was named from King Álf the Old (Álfr hinn gamli) who once ruled there, and that his descendants were all related to the Elves and were more handsome than any other people except for the Giants, one of several references to Giants (Jǫtnar and Risar) being especially good looking. The Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum also mentions the special good looks of the kindred of King Álf the Old. According to The Saga of Thorstein, Viking's Son, King Álf the Old was married to Bryngerd (Bryngerðr) the daughter of King Raum of Raumaríki. But according to the Hversu Noregr byggðist, Álf, also called Finnálf, was a son of King Raum who inherited from his father the land from the Gaut Elf river (the modern Göta älv river) North to the Raum Elf river (the modern Glomma river), and that the land was then called Álfheim. Finnálf married Svanhild (Svanhildr) who was called Gold-feather (Gullfjǫðr) and was the daughter of Day (Dagr) son of Dayspring (Dellingr) by Sun (Sól) daughter of Mundilfari. Dag as a personification of day and the sun-goddess Sól are mentioned elsewhere, but only the Hversu mentions their daughter. Svandhild bore Finnálf a son named Svan the Red (Svanr inn rauði) who was father of Sæfari, father of Úlf (Úlfr), father of Álf, father of Ingimund (Ingimundr) and Eystein (Eysteinn). According to the eddic poem Hyndluljóð (stanza 12), Óttar, whose genealogy is the subject of this poem, was son of Innstein (Innsteinn), son of Álf the Old, son of Úlf, son of Sæfari, son of Svan the Red. So the Innstein of the Hyndluljód and Eystein of the Hversu are presumably identical. According to Saxo Grammaticus' Gesta Danorum (Book 8), the sons of King Gandálf the Old joined King Harald for the battle of Bråvalla. The Sögubrot names the sons of Gandálf as Álfar (Álfarr) and Álfarin (Álfarinn) and makes them members of King Harald's bodyguard. Presumably they died in the battle. But the kingdom of this Gandálf is not identified in these texts. The Sögubrot also relates that Sigurd Hring (Sigurðr Hringr), who was Harald's viceroy on the Swedish throne, married Álfhild, the daughter of King Álf the Old of Álfheim. But in a later passage she appears as a descendant of King Álf. The Hversu Noregr byggdist provides instead a lineage of King Álf the Old of Álfheim who was father of Álfgeir the father of Gandálf the father of Álfhild the mother of the famous Ragnar Lodbrok (by Sigurd Hring). That Álfhild's father was the same Gandálf whose sons were at the Battle of Bravalla makes good sense in legendary chronology. But this genealogy may have resulted from misidentification of Gandálf the Old of the battle of Bråvalla with Gandálf son of Álfgeir of the Ynglinga saga who is discussed below. Or if the two Gandálfs may be rightly identified then the chronology is badly garbled. In all these accounts, the son of Hring and Álfhild was supposedly the famous Ragnar Lodbrok, husband of Áslaug (Áslaugr) the mother of Sigurd Hart (Sigurðr Hjǫrt) whose daughter Ragnhild (Ragnhildr) married Halfdan the Black and bore to him Harald Fairhair, the first historic king of all Norway. Illuga saga Gríðarfóstra relates of a king Áli of Alfheim and his queen Alfrun. When the queen died, the king married a beautiful, but evil woman named Grimhild. She murdered him and tyrannized Alfheim until it was laid waste. His daughter Signy would marry king Hringr of Denmark. [Source CC Wikipedia / Fandom]
With all that being said, I will teach you about the history of the various Elven tribes and regions they inhabited. To put this in modern day perspective, the various Elven Tribes stemmed from various RH- blood lines. The Gaelic, the Scythians, the Khazars, and the Tribes of Israel were all considered Elven, and therein lay the distinction between the Light and Dark Elves somewhat. The Ljósálfar or Light Elves inhabit Alfheim of which the region they lived in is indeed Germanic Europe, as far South as Germany and as North as the regions of Scotland and Norway. The central home of the Highborn was Ukraine though almost 10,000 years ago. The term Ljósálfar applied to any Elven that had high Pleaidian admixture either through the genes or the blood. Most often, A- or O- due to having Ashkenazic descent from Esau's clan, the Father of the Werewolves, whose lineage spawned the Naga / Nagi / Merpeople of Atlantis. Echidna, Thor's consort at the time, fathered the Gaelic, Scythian and Khazarian blood lines. She was Ashkenazim / Naga. So all the Light Elves have Ashkenazic mtDNA which is currently being hidden and / or erased from genetic testing sites controlled by the Satanic Elven lineages of the Canaanites primarily, but also the Amalekites and Dark Elves as well. Their goal was to erase the Light Elves and their history which was originally done through the Witch Trials and masscare of the Knights Templar / Temple Knight Lineages who are most often descendants of the Light Elves. This internal war has lasted almost 10000 years without the humans knowledge of it. The Satanic faction created all the religions to use to control the humans and execute anyone who dared speak against them using blasphemy charges to do so. They are pure evil.
So when asked, "What was Alfheim like under the Light Elves control?" I will tell you, it was the most advanced society on Earth in terms of technology on par with the Annunaki themselves, due to the admixture of both Annunaki and Draco lineage. Atlantean technology provided free energy to everything. We had vehicles similar to Vimanas, the personal flying craft used by some of the Annunaki in ancient Babylona and Sumeria. Structures were often made of stone, but inlaid with gold and silver similar to the pyramids to act as conduits. We understood the aspects of harnessing geothermal and geomagnetic forces to power our society.
When Enlil decreed the use of all magic was to be forbidden and humanity was to only live 120 years, the destruction of the Elven homes begun through endless wars between the Light and Dark Elf factions of Marduk and Enlil. Originally the Highborn Elves known as the modern day Scythians, were furious and rejected Enlil's decree through stating that the Right of Inheritance gave them the right to use and harness magic / energy to use as they saw fit due to being the Kingship line of Thor's. The biggest issue lay in the Well of Urd system that provided the 'Water of Life' to all the Elven to help prolong their life spans, similar to how the high EM fields created through the use of their technologies allowed them to exist in a separate 'dimensional space' that sustained their over 1200 year natural life span —this was down from the 3000, the Originals lived. By the time the Highlander Wars ended, there was almost no one left with the original genes that contained the longevity of the Elven. There are a few random cases nowadays though, that still exist in those who have 'Highlander's Syndrome' —of which is not a syndrome, but rather, indicitive of one who survived the destruction of the Elven and the almost 10,000 year long war, of which is still taking place to this day. Before it's destruction, many of the Saxon lineages of Shem's line of the Lion tribe, tried to flee the persecution of their people by the Dark Elves and the Canaanite lineages and ended up settling in the Home of Odin in Germany, who decreed after the Grigori War, it was to become a safe haven for all those who no longer wished to fight any more. Many of these Shemitic lines were descended from the old Sumerian Royalty, and therefore often merged with the other Draco lineages with high Pleiadian admixture such as the Scythians and Gaels, but also later the Celtic Druids from the Tribe of Dan, who sought to finally put an end to the Elven Wars.