Asgard, also known in Old Norse as Ásgarðr, was one of the Nine Realms of the World Tree, fortified home of the Aesir Gods and the Norse counterpart of Mount Olympus. While building the realm of Asgard, the Gods needed help building a wall for protection. A Jötunn offered to use his horse, Svaðilfœri, to build the walls for Asgard and in return, he would be allowed to marry Freyja, the most beautiful Goddess of the Vanir. In Nordic mythology, Asgard (Old Norse: Ásgarðr [ˈɑːsˌɡɑrðz̠]; "enclosure of the Æsir") is a location associated with the Gods. It appears in a multitude of Old Norse sagas and mythological texts. It is described as the fortified home of the Æsir gods, often associated with gold imagery. Many of the best-known Nordic Gods are Æsir or live in Asgard such as Odin, Thor, Loki, and Baldr. The home of the Aesir is where the great hall of Valhalla is located, the palace where the Einherjar live and train, and most likely the place where Odin's court gathers as well. Asgard was also one of the battlefields in the Aesir's raging war against the Vanir, thus it was ravaged after the centuries-long war. It was the marriage of Odin, the King of the Aesir, with Freya, one of the leaders of the Vanir, that finally brought peace to Asgard and the rest of the Nine Realms. During Thor's genocidal campaign against the Jötnar, Asgard's walls were in need of fortification, but none of the Aesir wanted to take care of such a menial task until one day a strange man made a bet with Odin. In exchange for reinforcing Asgard's walls in a near impossible timespan, the stranger, actually the Jötunn Hrimthur in disguise, would be allowed to talk to Freya. According to Mimir, Hrimthur hid a weak spot in the walls' defenses and entrusted the secret only to Freya before being discovered and killed by Thor. Asgard is destined to burn at the hands of the Fire Giant, Surtr the Brave, when Ragnarök comes. Following this destruction, the world will be born anew. After Asgard is made, the Gods then built a hof named Glaðsheimr at Iðavöllr, in the centre of the burg, with a high seat for Odin and twelve seats for other Gods. It is described as like gold both on the inside and the outside, and as the best of all buildings in the world. They also built Vingólf for the female Gods, which is described as both a hall and a hörgr, and a forge with which they crafted objects from gold. After Ragnarök, some Gods such as Váli and Baldr will meet at Iðavöllr where Asgard once stood and discuss matters together. There they will also find in the grass the golden chess pieces that the Æsir had once owned. Later, the section describes how an unnamed Jötunn came to the Gods with his stallion, Svaðilfari and offered help in building a burg for the gods in three winters, asking in return for the sun, moon, and marriage with Freyja. Despite Freyja's opposition, together the Gods agree to fulfill his request if he completes his work in just one winter. As time goes on, the Gods grow desperate as it becomes apparent that the Jötunn will construct the burg on time. To their surprise, his stallion contributes much of the progress, swiftly moving boulders and rocks. To deal with the problem, Loki comes up with a plan whereupon he changes his appearance to that of a mare, and distracts Svaðilfari to slow down construction. Without the help of his stallion, the builder realises he cannot complete his task in time and goes into a rage, revealing his identity as a Jötunn. Thor then kills the builder with Mjöllnir, before any harm to the Gods is done. The chapter does not explicitly name Asgard as the fortress, but it is commonly identified by scholars. In Gylfaginning, the central cosmic tree Yggdrasil is described as having three roots that hold it up; one of these goes to the Æsir, which has been interpreted as meaning Asgard. In Grímnismál, this root instead reaches over the realm of men. The bridge Bifröst is told to span from the heavens to the earth and over it the Æsir cross each day to hold council beneath Yggdrasil at the Urðarbrunnr. Based on this, Bifröst is commonly interpreted as the bridge to Asgard.
To put things in perspective, Asgard with the primary home of the Gods on Atlantis originally, but after it's destruction, a new home was established for the survivors and the Gods themselves, of which the new Mount Olympus became their home. So when they speak of the Realm of the Gods, there are essentially the pre-destruction and post destruction Atlantis versions and locations, but the designs and technologies used in the design of the new homes was nearly identical to the former one originally in Atlantis off the cost of Europe and Africa located in, yes you guessed it, the Atlantic Ocean. So this home was the central location for Marduk's / Odin's lineages and that included many of the later Elven of Thor and Echidna once the Elven Wars started. It was after the war he was given two cities in Germany which are named after him to this day, and why is it known as the Fatherland.
Like most places constructed by the 'Gods', the technologies followed a similar design based on earlier Annunaki ones in Sumer and Egypt using monolithic stone inlaid with gold and silver, whilst your palace was abundant in gold and silver with large crytalline nodes used as conduits amplifiers. Crystalline power sources were common then and etherium capstones were used to channel and direct large amounts of energy through the inlaid gold and silver 'wiring' in the structures. This allowed to us to create 'bubbles' so to speak or rather biodomes even under the harshest of conditions living in completely serene, energized, oxygen environment due to the vast vegetation that could thrive in these environments, creating self sustainablity anywhere we constructed these 'enclaves' which would be linked to the Wells of Urd, to provide the 'Water of Life' as well. This is why there are vast underground networks stemming from the Middle East to Europe. Built primarily by the Dwarven after falling under Odin's authority. So during Odin's reign, Asgardians lived relatively peaceful lives but trained nonetheless due to the threat from the rogue Dark Elf and / or Jötunn factions that sought their destruction. The Jötunn were the Giant tribes referenced throughout the various historical texts, including the Biblical ones, descended from the Draco lineages who survived the Titan Wars and destruction of Atlantis. They followed Loki / Satan. For those that did not know this, Bacchus, Dionysus, Loki, Satan were all one and the same being, and the son of Marduk / Zeus. His betrayal led to the Grigori Wars and then the ensuing rivalry, the later Elven Wars, that took place during the era of Asgard. The Destruction of Edom and Asgard are one and the same thing that comes during Ragnarok, which is happening now. This is when the Satanic factions of Dark Elves seek their revenge for their constant loss during every previous war, which brings about the destruction of the RH- lineages that are fighting for the Light or the Dark, and why I was sent, to tell them, you are but two sides of the same coin, and why Yeshua was sent to show you what you could become, if united. This speaks of the unfication of the O- and B- with the A2- or rather the Light and Dark Elf factions that exist around the world. The reason for this, is the Light of Man that only comes from the Alpha blood may exist in the O- and B- blood lines, but without the A2- or A1+ addition to their lineage, they will eventually lose their Light and fall into Darkness and no longer possess an internal monologue.